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Antigen Plus Software
Hosted in the Cloud or on your server!

The first, and still the best, antibody identification software.

Proven Track Record

The software of choice for the American Red Cross and AABB accredited reference labs since 1993.

Enhanced for the hospital blood bank and reviewed by the FDA in 1998.

510K approval in 2012.


Color coding provides a visual mapping for your exclusion logic

Columns for entering your reactions are customizable to the specific tests you are performing

Imports your blood analyzer results instantly

Patient name, information, and phenotype on Screen and printed on work-ups

Displays all phenotypes that match search criteria

Panel arrays precisely match each manufacturer

Secure fat client application stores your data locally or in the Cloud

Automated entry of supplemental typings


Searches for antigens and builds selected panels in seconds.

Duplicate saved panels with fresh cells.

Calculates exclusions as you enter your test results.

Dramatically cuts the time needed for antibody screening.

Facilitates training and supervision.

 Greater Accuracy

Follows AABB rule-out policy flawlessly every time. You set your own rules for the number of rule outs required. for exclusion.  Never makes a mistake because it is overworked and tired.

 Improved QC

Tracks user log-ins including a record of PHI accessed.

Records re-testing of expired donor cells.

Iterates all changes to saved workups.

Download Free Trial

News & Events

 Antigen Plus Version 8.5 runs on your workstation and stores its data in the Cloud or on your network or both

The best keeps getting better. All of our user-friendly and security features are enhanced and many new ones added. Establish your own rules for exclusion! Interface with your analyzer!